The Sun is in the values, valuables and comforts of tradition-loving (sidereal) Taurus (earth) and the Moon in the brave new beginnings of courageous, impulsive Aries (fire) as we move into the Balsamic Moon Phase, the 8th and final chapter of our current Lunar month on Tuesday, June 4th (pdt).
Jupiter has now moved into youthful, chatty, quicksilver (sidereal) Gemini joining Mercury, Venus, Vesta, keeper of the Heart(h) and nurturing Ceres there. While Mars, Pallas Athena and the Sun remain in Taurus.
Inspired shifts, opportunities for healing and release but also unexpected changes are likely with the Sun in a waxing and productive sextile with the liberating forces of Uranus in mystical (sidereal) Pisces and square Chiron, the wounded healer in “group think” Aquarius. The Aries Moon is semi-square Chiron as well.
We have a grand air (communication) trine between Mercury (messages) in Gemini, Saturn (restriction or focused discipline) in the partnerships and communication of fair and balanced (sidereal) Libra and Neptune (inspiration or illusion) in the communication, ideals and ideas of “group-think” (sidereal) Aquarius as we move into the Balsamic Moon Phase.
Lots of buzz, negotiations and communication happening. This same pattern will repeat later this week with Venus, replacing Mercury in the trine.
Keep in mind that our Neptune Retrograde begins in just a few days while we are in our dark moon phase. Mars in Taurus is square Neptune this week as well. We’ll see an acceleration of “meltdowns” relating to unstable situations and people and a lot of communication and discussions around this. With all this energy in "air" and Neptune stationing retrograde, the rumor mill, gossip and tabloid journalism is likely to be in overdrive. Especially on Sunday and Monday, while the Moon is still in Pisces, ruled by Neptune. The Moon moves into Aries late on Monday evening (pdt) just before we enter the Balsamic Moon Phase.
Old perceptions and illusions relating to how we view the world around us are melting down as well, creating the space for new visions and perceptions to gestate during our Neptune Retrograde.
The line between illusion and reality gets very blurry this week, it's difficult to see things as they really are and misunderstandings can often be the result. It’s a good week to avoid all drugs and intoxicants. I would go so far as to say be cautious and careful even with Prescription Medication.
Try to eliminate distractions and stay present in the Moment, ( I know... easier said then done, but worth the effort, especially this week) Check in each day through meditation, breath work and daily walks. Daily exercise, good nutrition and healthy habits help to keep us balanced and grounded and keep energy in motion (e-motion) which keeps us from bottling things up inside and helps creative solutions to flow into conscious awareness.
We move into the Balsamic Moon Phase on Tuesday, June 4th at 7:10 am pdt (Los Angeles) (convert to your timezone) .
The wisdom and lessons that we have learned during this past month’s journey now become the essence and seeds for the future.
We plant these seeds during this phase in anticipation of the new moon.
We are Creators - Co-creating Reality on Earth. What we have created this past month is now a part of the magnificent tapestry of the Past.
Don’t look back ~ look towards the Future.
Surrender all your fears, bad habits and reservations to the past and play with the potentials of the future as you prepare for a new lunar cycle.
Eliminate distractions and focus all of your emotions, energy and attention on creating a beautiful and inspired vision.
Plant positive seeds of potential that will bloom in your tomorrows.
Hugs and Much Love,
Learn about the energies and potential that are currently being activated in your life with a Monthly Focused or Year Ahead Personal reading and Consultation.
previous Lunar Journal: Last Quarter Moon