I Love Sundays...
I love Sundays.
I love to wake up early while the streets and neighborhood are quiet and still. I take a long, peaceful, unhurried walk and savor and soak up all the beauty that surrounds me.
When I return home, I’ll often enjoy a nice leisurely breakfast and a big mug of tea while browsing online for ideas and inspiration. Some of my favorite sites to visit on Sunday mornings are Sunset Magazine, Apartment Therapy or Whole Living Magazine. Lots of great ideas for creating and cultivating a cozy and comfortable sense of Home and rootedness while getting my week off to a healthier start.
Saturdays mornings are quite different. I’ll get up early but the focus will always be on productivity, getting caught up on work and getting things in order in my personal life. Clearing the emotional space, so I can enjoy my Sunday, knowing that I’m ready to start the week.
Sunday is my day to unwind and recharge my physical and emotional batteries. I don’t read email and I often turn off my phone, avoid mass media and unplug from Social Media for the day.
I try not to have a schedule on Sundays. Sometimes I’ll read or soak up some Sunshine. When it’s chilly outdoors, I’ll often make soup. I just let the day unfold in a natural and enjoyable way and see what I feel drawn towards.
We all need a day to “just be”. Sending you wishes for a wonderful Sunday. Today is your day, relax and enjoy!
Hugs and Much Love,