Last Quarter Moon
We enter our Last Quarter Moon Phase on Friday, May 31st (pdt) at 11:58 am pdt Los Angeles (convert to your timezone) with the Sun is in the values, valuables and comforts of tradition-loving (sidereal) Taurus and the Moon in the communication, ideas and ideals of “group-think” (sidereal) Aquarius.
We often project our own shadows and fears onto the people or situations around us and these projections may have much to do with what needs healing and release within ourselves and very little to do with the truth or true essence of the people or circumstances at hand.
As we move into the Last Quarter Moon phase, there is a need for honest and open, non-judgmental communication with the others in our lives. Don't bottle things up inside, share what you are feeling.
Letting down emotional barriers and letting others in can lead to strong feelings of community and unity and help provide solutions and healing that help to move things forward.
It may be a challenging time but we need to keep moving through whatever challenges or emotional storms we face with a sense of clarity and purpose and move on to the blue skies that are sure to be ahead.
The Last Quarter Moon is a transformational time, a time for personal change. Clear away the clutter – whatever is no longer nourishing to your happiness, health and growth.
Make changes in your life in order to make room for the things which truly nourish you now. Incorporate the fullness and experience gained from this month’s cycle into your life.
Knowing now what your truth is, it is time to start to start consciously living it. This creates an example for others to also live according to their truth.
Changing allows you to flow into another level of experience. Not making the realized changes keeps you tied and bound in a cycle of old habits or patterns of growth that have most likely outlived their usefulness in your life.
Get ready to turn a corner with the Last Quarter Moon in (sidereal) Aquarius.
xoxo Andie
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previous Lunar Journal: Full Moon/Eclipse