Full Moon | Lunar Eclipse

We’ve got three significant and powerful T-squares at our May Full Moon.

Neptune in “group-think” Aquarius is square both the Sun and Moon. Neptune brings inspiration and creative vision but also illusion and delusion, it really depends upon our own level of conscious awareness and how we approach tapping into and working with these energies.

Neptune is currently traveling through the communication, ideas and ideals of “group think” (sidereal) Aquarius, with the mutual reception of liberating Uranus, ruler of Aquarius currently in Pisces, ruled by Neptune.

This brings wonderful opportunities over the next few years for all of us to collectively envision and create a greater vision for humanities future.

It also brings opportunity for mass delusion if we are walking around with our heads in the clouds waiting for the world to change or checking out through passive addictions to food, intoxicants, or the mindless chatter and distraction of mass media and too much social media.

Anything that keeps us from really tuning in and seeing things as they really are and proactively making necessary changes.

We have a second T-square involving Juno in security-minded Capricorn square the North and South Nodes of the Moon. Partnership issues that need to be worked out that are keeping us stuck between where we were and where we want to be.

Devotional Vesta, keeper of the Heart(h) in youthful, chatty, quicksilver Gemini triggers the Uranus-Pluto square as well, as we move into our May Full Moon Eclipse and there are issues and strong feelings over providing nurturing and nourishment to others with Neptune and the Moon both square each other and also both sesqui-quadrate nurturing Ceres in youthful, chatty, changeable Gemini.

Our Full Moon/Lunar eclipse occurs on Friday evening, May 24th at 9:24 pm pdt (Los Angeles) (convert to your timezone) with the Sun in the comforts, values, valuables and traditions of (sidereal) Taurus and the Moon in the deep transforming tides of (sidereal) Scorpio.

The Moon moved into (sidereal) Scorpio at 6:41 am pdt on Friday morning. Mars has now moved into Taurus, joining the Sun, Mercury and Venus and Jupiter there.

The Moon in Scorpio helps us to get beneath the surface and see what’s really going on and this is a powerful Full Moon/Eclipse.

Deep issues are often stirred up from beneath the surface and we have an opportunity to bring things out of the shadows and into the light of Consciousness so we can better understand, release and heal old wounds and misconceptions allowing us to move forward feeling lighter and freer.

I feel a strong and stubborn focus on financial security and traditional values and a real competitive spirit around our May Full Moon Eclipse and a need to watch for excessively competitive attitudes both at home and in the workplace. 

Try and celebrate and appreciate not only the common bonds that you share with friends, loved ones and associates but also the unique differences that set you apart.

We need to bravely and courageously face challenges and take some risks in order to get life repaired and moving forward now, but going overboard will only lead to alienating others, creating a lot of unnecessary drama and complications as we move forward.

It's good to have a strong drive for success, we all need the willpower and drive to meet our goals, but a lot of unnecessary entanglements can be avoided by channelling all your energy into focusing on your own goals with grace and devotion, avoiding comparison with others and learning to appreciate the unique talents and gifts that you have to offer and developing them to their fullest potential.

Keeping a light hearted approach will ensure that something good will come from your efforts and experience. Showing that you are approachable and receptive will help to open new doors helping to expand your connections and opportunities.

The light of the Full Moon reveals the measure of our efforts during the waxing phase. We formulated a plan, set our intentions, waited for inspiration and moved forward as it arrived.

We worked around any obstacles or challenges that we faced -- gaining new skills and a sense of what we are truly capable of. We’ve evolved and grown and have likely developed many new talents and capabilities along the way.

From New Moon to Full Moon the expanding activities of the cycle have been directed toward the fulfillment of our Plans.

Now we are at the culmination point in relation to outer activity  We’ve reached a time of illumination and clear objective realization about what does and doesn’t work for us in our lives.

Now an inward journey begins as the energy of the Moon begins to wane and the Moon begins her journey back to the Sun.

You are likely to have many realizations during this phase - take time to write them down and capture the moment.  Remember to take time to celebrate even the small victories and inner growth with a sense of gratitude.

Celebrate and also take time to rest and recharge your energy for the activities still to come during the “Harvest” or Disseminating Moon Phase.

Take some time over the next few nights sit under the dark blue velvety splendor of the night sky and observe and absorb the primordial beauty and energy of our luminous Full Moon in (sidereal) Scorpio.

previous Lunar Journal:  Gibbous Moon