Gibbous Moon

Each time that we return to what seems to be the same place, we return with greater wisdom which allows us to make new choices this time around.

There is a lovely Grand Earth Trine between the Virgo Moon, Venus in (sidereal) Taurus and Juno in Capricorn as we move into the Gibbous Moon Phase on Tuesday afternoon, at 2:09 pm (Los Angeles) pdt (convert to your timezone) providing some grounding and stability after a very challenging First Quarter Moon Phase.

Good team work and taking time to appreciate the contributions that others are making to our lives, can go a long way towards moving things forward.

Letting go of the things that are no longer relevant to our journey allows us to travel lighter and freer into new experience.

What ever is no longer nourishing or is blocking new growth, just let it go. Trust and create space for the things that are truly important now.

Simple proactive steps to overcome stagnant habits and leave dull routines behind may be all that is necessary to positively shift in a new direction and open a new chapter in our lives.

Don’t worry about success or failure or place too much importance on final outcomes.

Keep moving forward, not anticipating trouble but being willing and prepared to deal with issues one by one as they arise.

Things will be sorted out before too long and we’ll be exiting the eclipse portal that we have been traveling through as we move through the final eclipse in our spring series and begin a new 6 month cycle at our Full Moon/eclipse in (sidereal) Scorpio in just a few more days.

previous Lunar Journal:  First Quarter Moon