Gibbous Moon

We move into the Gibbous Moon Phase on Sunday evening,  September 15th, at 7 pm (pdt - Los Angeles)  with the Sun in creative, expressive, dramatic (sidereal) Leo and the Moon in the practical down-to-earth stability of security-minded (sidereal) Capricorn.

The Gibbous Moon Phase is the fourth phase in our monthly lunar and evolutionary journey. If you faced your challenges and moved forward during the First Quarter Moon Phase, then there should be a nice flow to life now. Don’t allow regrets to hold you back if you have wandered off the path or gotten stuck in indecision. Use this as a sign to get back on track and into the flow.

An event will often show up at this stage which forces us to balance the current realities that we find ourselves in with our overall objectives. We can make adjustments and realignments now, leaving behind what isn’t working in favor of what is.

This is a time for letting go of judgment or biases and dropping attitudes –a time when people or opportunities that can help you with your goals will often appear in your life. Allow trust and intuitive knowing to guide you and allow your receptivity to others to create new relationships and alliances with those who share your dreams and aspirations.

During this time of the month, the Moon is a large, bright almost full moon visible in the sky well before sunset, rising in the mid-afternoon (around 3 pm) in the east and setting in the west between midnight and dawn (around 3 am).

This is one of the most powerful phases of the Lunar Month.  Energy is building as we approach the Full moon Phase.

Share your plans with others now and see what gets activated!

Sending you wishes for an amazing Gibbous Moon Phase. Your open-minded and open-hearted receptivity can help to open doors and create serendipitous connections and collaborations with others.

xoxo  Andie