Welcome to May 2013

All transits mentioned are Sidereal
All times mentioned are Pacific Daylight Savings Time (pdt).

This month we move through our Third Uranus-Pluto Square, which will be exact on May 20th and we are already experiencing the tension and impetus for changes, now, on May 1st with the square between Uranus and Pluto currently less then one degree apart.

Our previous exact squares occurred on June 24, 2012 and September 19, 2012 and we continue through this cycle of dynamic change and generational tension until 2015.

With Uranus square Pluto, Individuality, innovation and sudden changes are triggering internal struggles (with repressed emotions being stirred up beneath the surface) and external struggles (within the power/control dynamics that are set up in our lives).

It is best for our own health and peace of mind to learn to better accept the inevitable changes that are occurring within us and around for the next few years (until 2015) when we move out of the current cycle.

If we can learn  to “go with the flow” and accept the individual choices of others around us and honor our own unique talents, desires and expression then we can use this energy to make some really significant changes in our own lives and in the world around us.  It's an opportunity to release and clear old repressed emotions and programming from our bodies in preparation for an upgrade in our Human Consciousness "source code".

Thoughts are becoming things at a rapidly accelerating pace and we are also being given the opportunity to release our old emotional baggage and ways of relating that hold us back and keep us in a cycle of “Reacting” as opposed to “Creating”.

It’s especially important now to take the focus and attention off of what we don’t want and clearly focus our time, energy and attention on what we do want.

In times of uncertainty it is a good idea to minimize the things that feed our fears, such as the endless opinions of others, too much social media, and passive programming.

Take a break from the endless stream of news and information and do something healthy and life affirming each day to stay grounded and energized.

If we can quiet down the noise and distraction of all the other voices, we have a better opportunity to tune in to our own inner voice and feelings which provide the guidance towards the best way forward.

Daily exercise and physical activity (energy in motion) helps to keep our emotions flowing and floods our senses with elevated feelings of well-being that can help us make better decisions and help life feel more settled.

At the same time,  there are people who are projecting blame onto others for what is being stirred up within and around them, so it’s important to know when the planetary energies are being triggered so you can make informed decisions about where to spend your time during particularly volatile periods.

The Moon triggers the Uranus-Pluto Square by conjunction, square or opposition at least once each week whenever she is in the Mutable (sidereal) signs of  Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

I post updates every couple of days on Facebook and Twitter as the Moon changes signs or whenever my Muse comes calling and I feel inspired to connect and share. You can follow along and get a feel for the “emotional weather” that we will likely be experiencing during these transitions.

It may also be helpful to schedule a private session with me so I can assess and help you to understand the energies currently being activated in your life and you can begin to consciously create with them.

My intention in a private consultation is to help you to recognize your challenges and realize your own unique gifts and talents so you can feel confident in making positive, powerful changes in your life.

We are already in the Eclipse Portal on our Journey from "HERE" to "THERE" as we move into May.

We entered the Portal at our Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on April 25th.

The May edition of the Lunar Journal takes us on the next Leg of the journey which includes Two more Eclipses (at the New Moon and Full Moon) and the next exact Uranus-Pluto Square.

You will find Forecasts, cosmic weather reports and insightful guidance for each of the Eclipses, the Uranus-Pluto Square and each phase of the Moon (new moon, crescent, first quarter, gibbous, full moon, disseminating, last quarter and balsamic) in this month's journal, delivered to you via email before our next Lunar Cycle of creative and personal transformation begins.

Order now for delivery via Email (e-book .pdf)  on May 5th.

Our New Journey begins with the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on May 9th (pdt).

Sending you wishes for an amazing journey this month.

xoxo Andie