[Important notice! Hi friends, this is my last post on this website.
Starting September 1st, 2011 Illuminated Journey | Inspired Living! has a new online home, click on the link and join us there or enter http://illuminatedjourney.org into the the Navigation bar of your browser. xoxo | Andie]
Starting September 1st, 2011 Illuminated Journey | Inspired Living! has a new online home, click on the link and join us there or enter http://illuminatedjourney.org into the the Navigation bar of your browser. xoxo | Andie]
I have a feeling that there is a creative idea ~ a divine seed of inspiration ~
already rising to the surface and into your conscious awareness.
It’s there already trying to find a way to cross over from idea to reality
and you, my friend, are the vehicle and creative laboratory
designed to bring it forth.
designed to bring it forth.
You are also the crossing guard or ferryman (if you prefer)
that gives it permissionto blossom and come into fruition
that gives it permissionto blossom and come into fruition
or denies it permission to flourish.
It’s something that makes your cells sing and your pulse race.
It puts a smile on your face and joy in your heart and you
would probably do it for free (if you could afford to).
And I’m pretty certain that you already know EXACTLY what it is.
So...what’s it going to be?
Same old, same old or magnificent leap of faith?
What if you took one step, one tiny step each day
in the direction of giving birth to this idea?
”A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow.”
~ Richard Bach ~
Come on ~you can do it:~)
One small step at a time!
xoxo | Andie