Divine Seeds of Creative Potential

Each and every one of us is a vital cell in the body of Gaia.

We've all arrived here with a beautiful "god-seed"
of creative potential within us and our only true mission
while we are here is to discover, protect, cultivate and nurture that
gift of god-seed, and bring it forth ~ like a seed brings forth a flower.

It might feel like a wild ride lately, but it has a purpose.

The purpose is to peel away all the false layers (programming) and
wake us up to our True Potential as Creators.

To help encourage us to let go of the diversions and distractions,
the constant need for attention and emotional drama and Create. 

You have all the Power within you ~right now ~
in this very moment to do this ~ really ~ you do.

Tune in to your heart’s desire and inner wisdom

Turn on your powerful emotions,
rich imagination and well-defined intentions

Tune out all distractions


xoxo | Andie