If you find yourself in a situation where you are being treated with less respect then you deserve. Speak up for yourself.
Take responsibility for your life and how it’s being lived and clearly draw a line relating to what you are and aren’t willing to put up with.
If there is an obvious imbalance of power it is time to consider what negotiations can be made to rebalance things and create a more level field of opportunity.
Everyone should feel that their voice is worthy of being heard. Realize that there are others who feel the same way and can offer support and that you are not alone.
Making a commitment to overcome stagnant lifestyle choices and ways of relating may be all that is necessary to create a shift and open a path to a new reality.
A change of atmosphere can bring a change of mind and a change in the “emotional weather”. Taking time for a walk out in nature, a chat with a trusted friend or some quiet time alone will help to dissipate any confusion and will lead to things being sorted out before too long.
Hugs and Much Love,
Learn about the energies and potential that are currently being activated in your life with a Monthly Focused or Year Ahead Personal Consultation.
previous entry: Tuesday | June 4