The crescent moon is a time for developing a clear, practical plan about where you are headed and how you will get there.
During the next few days, set aside time to daydream about the goals that you set during the new moon phase and allow yourself some quiet time to imagine where these creative ideas might take you.
We are still in the inspirational first quarter of the month, a time when new seeds of creativity are being broadcast and our receptivity to these ideas or “seeds” provides a foundation that we can build our plans and dreams upon.
Quietly focus on your dreams and ideas and clarify your intentions. As we move towards the First Quarter Moon Phase over the next few days, choices will need to be made and you will need to narrow down your objectives so you don’t end up scattering your energy in too many directions and hinder your ability to accomplish and create.
Possibilities will begin to show themselves and you must be willing to make a commitment toward your goals in order to set some definite course of action toward the future.
It is important to get clear about your intentions for it is necessary to invest decisive energy into things if they are to take off and come into fruition.
If you are willing to follow through on the inspiration that is coming to you then the enjoyment of advancement can make this time quite rewarding.