Finding the Pearl Within

You came into this life with a creative divine seed within you and you have everything you need within you ~ right now ~ to thrive and survive.

Like a flowering bulb beneath the surface reaching towards the Sunlight ~ you can’t grow and blossom without pushing through your perceived limitations.

Learn to see your mistakes for what they truly are ~ your most valuable teachers of Life’s Lessons.

Each and every lesson helps to slough away what is no longer nourishing, helping to reveal the “pearl of great price” within.

Every challenge contains a gift for you ~ find the gift.

Honor your self-worth, if little is what you ask for, little is what you will get.

Everyone steers off course now and again.

To help avoid detours and derailments along the way ~ keep your mind focused on where you want to go and off of what you want to avoid.

Have a wonderful day and do something nice for yourself.